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Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us

Backing Track Previews

Key of Eb Major

Key of C Major

Key of F Major
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Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us


Original Key: Eb Major MP3

A beautiful, soulful, modern pop ballad version of the traditional Methodist hymn Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us. Features piano, acoustic and electric guitar, keyboard, bass and drums, gradually building to a moving final chorus. Reharmonized for a more gospel feel. This version plays through 3 verses.

ID: #1346


Savior like a shepherd lead usMuch we need Thy tender careIn Thy pleasant pastures feed usFor our use Thy folds prepareBlessed Jesus, blessed JesusThou hast bought us, thine we areBlessed Jesus, blessed JesusThou hast bought us, thine we areThou has promised to receive usPoor and sinful though we beThou hast mercy to relieve usGrace to cleanse and pow'r to freeBlessed Jesus, blessed JesusWe will early turn to TheeBlessed Jesus, blessed JesusWe wll early turn to TheeEarly let us seek Thy favorEarly let us do Thy willBlessed Lord and only SaviorWith Thy love our bosoms fill.Blessed Jesus, blessed JesusThou hast loved us, love us stillBlessed Jesus, blessed JesusThou hast loved us, love us still

This arrangement copyright 2012 by One Light Music Productions, Inc. Produced and recorded by One Light Music.