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That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright

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Key of D Major

Key of A Major

Key of F Major
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That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright


Original Key: D Major MP3

A contemporary arrangement of this Easter hymn, featuring guitars, organ, piano, bass, and drums. Direct, easy-to-understand lyrics and an easy melody to sing make this a great choice for a large Easter service.

ID: #1283
Categories: Holiday Music > Easter


That Easter day with joy was bright.
The sun shone out with fairer light
when to their longing eyes restored,
the apostles saw their risen Lord.

O Jesus, King of gentleness,
do all our inmost hearts possess,
and we to you will ever raise
the tribute of our grateful praise.

From every weapon death can wield,
your own redeemed forever shield.
O Lord of all, with us abide
in this, our joyful Eastertide.

This arrangement copyright One Light Music Productions 2010